If you charge extra person and you have set it in myRent, you need to add it manual in extranet of RevNGo and then sync it in myRent.
Lets take and example, your house can accept 7 guests, but for 2 guest the price is fixed of 114,00 EUR. For each additional guest they need to pay 10,00 EUR. That means for 3 guest the price would be 124,00 EUR, for 4 guest the price would be 134,00 EUR etc...
If you have set it up like that in myRent then you need to do the same for each listings in RevNGo in extranet. You have to do it under: PRICE AND CAPACITY
and add additional prices for each extra guests. Example below:
Once you did it in extranet of RevNGo then you need to go in myRent, in property details - B2B setings.under RevNGo and click on green OK - DETAILS
It will open a new window and add:
Option 1 - stands for standard price (in the example was 2 guests and the price of 114,00 EUR)
Option 2 - stands for the maximum number of guests which your house accepts (in the example was 7)
You need to add now your numbers, like it shows in the picture below.
Once you have done it you need to sync the data, by clicking green OK - Sync price and calendar
Make sure that you chck the logs in myRent and eveyrthing need to be green OK. Click on the name RevNGo:
and it will open a new window B2B from RevNGo where you will find logs (log is a response between myRent and RevNGo, informations which we send to RevNGo). Find an example below:
Each time you click on Sync price & calendar you need to have 3 logs:
1. Allocation
2. Price
3. Availability
The same proces you need to repeat for each property!