Connection between myRent and FHM (Ferienhausmitte) is content base. Which means that you need to in myRent have full content (pictures, description, prices, rooms, amenities, distances etc...).
If you have it then FHM can copy all data from myRent and they will create listings directly on their site. FHM has an extranet and where you can check the "preview" of listings.
You don't need to do anything FHM team will do the whole implementation. All you need is to contact FHM and sign the contract.
Once you sign the contract, FHM will ask you to send myRent ID link to them. You can find your myRent ID in myRent under Edit User:
It will open a new page with your ID link and you need to copy this link and send to FHM:
Id example:
FHM will inform you when the content was created on their site.
If you have any question please contact Davor: