Here you can find all informations how to fill out a request for WSPAy.

NOTE: all myRent clients have special prices tailored to fit their needs. In the price is included (for Agencies): standard payment form, card tokenization, mobile POS device (APP)

Link to fill out the documentation:

When you open the link you will be taken to a registration form:

Fill out all details for invoice:

Here you add myRent contact details:

Here you can choose to have payments in EUR or HRK. Which means that when you charge the credit cards, the amount will be showed on your bank account in EUR or HRK.

Depending with which bank you have an account you can choose which card you want to be able to charge!

Here you can leave it as it is, as all services are included for you. You can find services under the offical offer you signed. WSPay contact person Ivana Pucci Kovacevic already knows which services are included for myRent clients.

Once you filled out the contact you will receive an e-mail as the confirmation.

Additional you will receive an email from WSPay when your request will be processed.