Under Object general details you can find some fields: GENERAL, PRICING, LINKS, RESPONSABILITY MANAGEMENT, SMART LOCKS, SETTINGS. Each fields gives you additional possibility to "adjust" your myRent account or this property.



You can choose the price calculations for FIN MODUL&WEB TEMPLATE/WEB PAGE (if you are using).-

Advance: you can choose how much advance payment will be taken from the reservation. It will showed on OTA's and WEB page/template.

*TIPP: IF YOU HAVE MORE PROPERTIES, BY CLICKING ON "copy to all" it will copy data to all properties in myRent. In that way you save time!


Here are the set up for connecting e-vizitor system with myRent. This set up is ONLY for Croatian myRent users, as in Croatia it is law to check in guest into Croatian general guest base.

More about e-vizitor and how to set up the connection please click on the links below:



Sync statistics:

This statistics are showing you when was the last time myRent made a sync and upgraded it self. This info is important for OTA's as myRent is sending data to different portals. Every time an update was made on myRent side it will automatically send it to all our partners.


Responsibility management:

Smart locks:
