Rent source is important for reservations. For each reservation you can add specific rent source. With rent status you can easily follow the reservation process.
When the reservation is received myRent will recognize from which OTA's the reservation came and add corresponding sign.
Rent status is individual and everyone can add their own rent status, depending on their work process.
To add a rent source you need to go SETTING
Click on sources
To add new rent source click on ADD NEW:
choose selling portal
Add status.
Status is important for reservations. You can add different statuses for you reservation, depending on your business model.
For you to have a possibility to choose a specific status, you need to add it in myRent under status.
Here you can find how to add different status for your myRent account.
Add your payment method. Payment method describes in what way you will receive money from each portal (it depends if you have to charge the guest, or the OTA's makes the payment and sends you the money etc).
For you to have a possibility to choose a specific status, you need to add it in myRent under PAYMENTS.
Here you can find how to add different status for your myRent account.
Choose an icon. Each reservation will have a selling portal sign.
You can choose for which reservation you want source to be showed: RESERVATION PAID, RESERVATION ADVANCE PAID...
To apply for all reservations click on DEFAULT.
When you add all selling portals, you will have a list of portals like this.
When you go to reservation, each reservation will be signed with designated sign.