To add Contact details in TWN it is takes from two sides in myRent:

To add Contact details in TFW you will find it in myRent you will find it under:



*IMPORTANT: it also takes information from location detail/Contact

To add Contact/Languages you add it in myRent under property details-general-description-ADD LANGUAGE

In myRent under property details-general-description-ADD LANGUAGE

To add Contact/Personal introduction you add in myRent under property details-general-description-LANDLORD

in myRent under property details-general-description-LANDLORD

To add Contact/Personal introduction you add in myRent under property details-general-PICTURES.  

In myRent under property details-general-PICTURES. You need to choose LANDLORD.

To add Contact/Free SMS service in TFW you need to add you number in myRent under property details-location-CONTACT INFORMATION

in myRent under property details-location-CONTACT INFORMATION