To add Rental Conditions/Cancellation Policies in TWF you add in myRent under property details-Description-CANCELLATION

You find it in myRent under property details-general-description-CANCELLATION

To add Rental Conditions/Rental deposit in TFW you will find it in myRent under property detail-general-SECURITY DEPOSIT

To add Rental Conditions/Type of deposit in TFW, it is automatically set up in myRent. You don't need to do anything.

 In myRent you will find it under property detail-general-SECURITY DEPOSIT

To add in Rental Conditions/Payment method you add in myRent under property details-general- SETTINGS/PAYMENT METHOD

You add in myRent under property details-general- SETTINGS/PAYMENT METHODS

To add Rental Conditions/Payment of rent, Prepayment, Date, Balance in already AUTOMATICALLY set up in myRent. You don't need to do anything.

Payment of rent - it will always show prepayment (advance) payment

Date - it will show always with booking. Meaning that the guest will know that they need to pay "percentage" of the total amount upon the sending the reservation request.

Balance - it us automatically set in myRent. You don't need to do anything. Meaning, the guest will know that the total balance needs to be paid minimum 4 weeks before the check in.

Rental conditions - prepayment (Advance payment) - you add it in myRent in property details- PRICING AND CALCULATIONS


To add Rental Conditions/Possible every days is set up AUTOMATICALLY in myRent. You don't need to do anything.

To add Rental Condition/Earliest arrival-latest departure in TFW you add it in myRent under property details-general-details-PROPERTY

Property detail-general -PROPERTY

Scroll down until you see Booking Engine Settings and you will find: CHECK-IN/CHECK-OUT