In myRent you can add more calendars. Some portals like has multiple calendars, some examples

1. Eary booking - the prices here usually are lower as you want to attract new bookings

2. Non refundable - lower price but no refund to be given

3. Reservation with Sauna - if you have extra services, guest can book it without Sauna in this case included

4. Standard calendar - your standard calendar


It depends solely on you if you want to use an additional calendar.

Once you have connected your profile with myRent this extra calendars will appear in

NOTE.myRent supports multi calendars and it can be synchronized with But not only but as well if you have a myRent WEB TEMPLATE which can also be sync.

In that way you give guests bigger range if choices to book from.

How to add new calendar:

To add a new calendar there are two steps you need to do:

1. You need to add new items.  Please go to Settings-Registry-ITEMS

Click on Items and ADD NEW ITEMS

*IMPORTANT: you will find when adding new items: Advance price, Price commission, Price from owner, City tax - you DON'T NEED TO ADD IT AS IT USED ONLY FOR WEB SITES.

2. When you have successfully added a new ITEMS you can go no to the property details -prices- SELLING PRICES

Scroll down and go to the ADD NEW ITEMS and find your new added ITEMS (in this case we added Non Refundable)

When you added new item it will appear under WORKING ITEM. Above the calendar switch to a new calendar and add prices.

TIPP: Use CLONE OR COPY PRICES to a different property to save time. Under copy prices you can to object and year. You can decide which Price items (calendar) you want to copy.