When you are connecting your properties with AGODA always make sure that you cejc the log data. It could be that some errors will appear. Errors could appear if you are missing content in your property details.

Here are some of the examples of errors:

1. Text error: when you receive this information it means that you are missing in description "guest arrival" This description is mandatory together with "main description".

You can find it under property details-description-arrival guest

This means that a description of arrival is missing for that property. This is a mandatory field so please add it.

2. Amenities error: when you receive these error message "GuestRoom.Amenity.Amenity@AmenityCode" means that you are missing amenities. Agoda needs to have 3 amenity. So please choose min. 3 amenity general for your property.

To find amenities you need to go to property details-Amenities-Group Amenities or amenities general.

3. Image error:  If you receive this message it means that pictures are missing. Make sure that you add "main picture" as well.


4. General error: if you receive this error it means that the whole content is missing in property details.

5. Error 497: if you receive this error please contact myRent - Davor davor@myrent.hr 

6. Error Room lD: this means that you have already add room to Agoda. In this case try to find room id on Agoda interface and manually add it to myRent. If you are enable to to this please contact myRent support: davor@myrenet.hr