In addition to the standard price lists (net, sales, B2B), we have added a new OTA's price list.

With the new price list, you can now compare prices across different OTA's (sales channels).

Click on "Price OTa" and you will get a list of your OTA's with which you are connected.

Here you can see all your OTA's and the different commission percentages. This way you can be sure that the real prices are displayed on OTA's (sales channels)

How to add a percentage?

Click on the code of the desired OTA's on the green ON - details

You will be redirected to a new window


Here you can add a percentage and you can also add an extra amount in addition to the percentage. This extra amount will further reduce the sales price increased by the stated percentage by EUR 2.00. This allows you to define the price even more precisely, despite the given percentage.

Also, if you prefer a particular sales channel, you allow yourself to have the best price on it.

It can happen that the prices on OTA's are eg: 55.75 EUR to avoid this, you can use the "round price" to round the price to the first upper amount, eg: 56.00 or the average amount of 55.50 EUR or to the lowest 55 .00 EUR.